What is ES5?

HTMLES5 is a shortcut for ECMAScript 5

ECMAScript 5 is also known as JavaScript 5

ECMAScript 5 is also known as ECMAScript 2009


ECMAScript 5

ECMAScript 5 was released in 2009.

ECMAScript 5 Features

These were the new features released in 2009:

  • The "use strict" Directive
  • String.trim()
  • Array.isArray()
  • Array.forEach()
  • Array.map()
  • Array.filter()
  • Array.reduce()
  • Array.reduceRight()
  • Array.every()
  • Array.some()
  • Array.indexOf()
  • Array.lastIndexOf()
  • JSON.parse()
  • JSON.stringify()
  • Date.now()
  • Property Getters and Setters
  • New Object Property Methods

ECMAScript 5 Syntactical Changes

  • Property access [ ] on strings
  • Trailing commas in array and object literals
  • Multiline string literals
  • Reserved words as property names

Browser Support for ES5 (2009)

Chrome 23, IE 10, and Safari 6 were the first browsers to fully support ECMAScript 5:

Chrome 23IE10 / EdgeFirefox 21Safari 6Opera 15
Sep 2012Sep 2012Apr 2013Jul 2012Jul 2013

Internet Explorer 9 (March 2011) supports ES 5 except for "use strict".


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